From the beginning, the 34 year old Troyanovsky was in control of the fight, landing crispier punches from the outside. He's controlling very well the distance and was able to tagged the 30 year old Nicaraguan cleanly.
In Round 3, Troya landed a solid punch that sent down Alfaro, 11 seconds remaining in the round. Alfaro survived the round, but from that point on it was evident that it is only a matter of time he will visit again the canvas for good. Alfaro did nothing to take at least the respect of the now more confident Troya. The crowd was very ecstatic from the knockdown and chanting Troya! Troya!
In Round 4, Troya tried to go for the homerun, attacking Alfaro with power shots. Alfaro to his credit tried to slug it out, but landed nothing of significant.
In Round 5, Troya landed a solid right hand on the chin of Alfaro during an exchange. Alfaro went down and was counted out by the referee.
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